How to Upload Over 20k Pollygons to Vrcsdk

VRChat 2021.1.v

Release - 23 March 2021 - Build 1067

We posted a blog post along with this release! Please check it out hither. Information technology goes into detail regarding the Quest Performance Rank changes as well every bit the Avatar Fallback organization.

  • Introducing Fallback Avatars! If yous're on PC hanging out with a Quest actor, you can now choose a Fallback avatar.
    • This Fallback avatar volition be displayed instead of the standard "gray robot" that you lot usually run into when looking at a PC-merely avatar on the Quest.
    • You lot can either choose from a selection of the Featured Public avatars as your fallback, or upload your ain Quest-compatible Fallback (as long equally it meets the requirements)
    • If the avatar you're wearing already has a Quest version, there are no changes
    • Anybody's been assigned a random Fallback avatar to start, but you can change it freely
    • Read more in our Avatar Fallback System docs! There'south a FAQ in there, then if you lot have questions, they'll probably be answered there
  • Added Streamer Manner as an pick in the Settings menu! Streamer Mode is intended to continue you safe while streaming or recording and prevent unwanted content from actualization in multiple places in the UI.
    • Enable Streamer Mode in your Settings menu!
    • New friend requests and friend requests received in the 5 minutes before activating Streamer Fashion are automatically declined. Yous can still send friend requests to others. Don't forget to turn Streamer Mode off once you lot're washed since it blocks friend requests!
    • The Quick Menu'southward display of your current instance and display name is subconscious, and the bottom imprint indicates the mode'south activation
    • Your brandish proper noun is hidden in social and player details, the Quick Menu, on your own nameplate, on portals, and during login
    • Instance information is hidden in the Worlds menu and on portals
    • Custom status messages on all users are hidden
    • Notification photos are hidden
    • Avatar thumbnails on other users are hidden in the Social bill of fare
    • Streamer Fashion does not signal to anyone else that you are streaming, it but hides information in your own view for your own condom.
    • Streamer Mode does non hide your proper name from Udon, and so it might still be visible in worlds that apply your name to display on game boards, occupant displays, etc. Just be aware!
  • The polygon counts for the Quest Avatar Functioning Ranks have been adjusted as part of the try to reduce the number of "gray robots" on Quest.
    • The maximum polygon count for Quest avatars before they are marked equally Very Poor is at present 20,000 polygons. Avatars that are ranked as Very Poor all the same must be shown by clicking "Prove Avatar".
    • The polygon count for other ranks take been adjusted accordingly:
      • Excellent: Polygon count less than or equal to 7500 (increased by 2,500)
      • Good: Polygon count less than or equal to 10,000 (increased by 5,000)
      • Medium: Polygon count less than or equal to 15,000 (increased by 7,500)
      • Poor: Polygon count less than or equal to xx,000 (increased by 10,000)
    • These changes were made after benchmarking new hardware, and to brand creating avatars for Quest more accessible. Check out our blog post linked at the top of these release notes for more than info.
    • ... For those who have been around for a scrap, creating an avatar nether 20,000 polygons might audio pretty familiar!

  • FinalIK has been removed from the Quest avatar whitelist
  • Moved the Full Torso Tracking scale indicators ("tracker balls") to the Player layer, so that mirrors that only evidence players still show them
  • Updated font used at the bottom of the QM
  • Safe and security changes and fixes
  • Changed the behavior on Steam overlay opening-- your resolution is no longer halved. This is an endeavor at a work-effectually for the long-standing Steam overlay "xi FPS" result
  • Fixed issue where users could go stuck in stations remotely
  • Potential fix for brandish issues with favorite friends lists
  • Fixed consequence where social carte would terminate updating properly later on having the client open up for a while
  • Fixed some cases where checking for VRChat Plus condition would neglect
  • Stock-still a few problems where avatar favorite count would display improperly for users in various subscription states
  • Various fixes to brand user online/offline detection more reliable in social menus
  • Added SendCustomEventDelayedSeconds and SendCustomEventDelayedFrames. These allow you to schedule a custom event to be run Ten seconds or frames in the time to come (Note: The minimum delay is the next frame)
  • Fabricated SendCustomNetworkEvent work in editor
  • Node Graph: Tweaked the search UI to be a bit wider
  • Fixed a NullReferenceException that occurred when leaving worlds containing UdonBehaviours that did not have a program
  • Fixed an outcome when using the VRCSDK Platform Switcher to bandy to Android. The Single Pass Stereo setting would non exist toggled on properly and would crusade new uploads to display improperly


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