Dont Do That if You Do That Again You Gonna Get Cut

Resisting the Urge to Cut

If yous've been cutting and yous desire to stop, hither are some approaches that might help y'all.

For people who cut, doing something different may be a big change. Making this change can take time because you are learning new ways of dealing with the things that led you to cutting. The tips you'll see below tin get you started. But a therapist or counselor can do more than to aid you heal old hurt and use your strengths to cope with life's struggles.

How Can I Stop Cutting

Starting time by being enlightened of which situations are likely to trigger your urge to cutting. Make a commitment that this time you will not follow the urge, but will practise something else instead.

And so make a plan for what you volition do instead of cutting when yous experience this urge.

Beneath are some tips you can try when you feel the urge to cut. We've put them into several categories considering unlike people cut for different reasons. Then sure techniques will piece of work better for some people than others.

Expect through all the tips and try the ones that you think might work for you. You may need to experiment because not all of these ideas will work for everyone. For example, some readers have told us that snapping a condom band works for them as a substitute for cutting but others say that the safe ring triggers an urge to snap it likewise hard and they end up hurting themselves.

If ane tip isn't right for yous, that'due south OK. Employ your creativity to observe a meliorate thought. Or talk with your therapist to get other ideas on what could piece of work for you. The thought is to find a substitute for cutting — something that satisfies a need y'all might experience without being as harmful as cutting.

You may also find that one of these ideas works for you lot sometimes but non always. That'southward OK too. What a person needs can vary from fourth dimension to fourth dimension and from situation to situation.

The techniques listed on the post-obit pages will help you recall about why you might cutting — every bit well as offer ideas on other things to do when you feel similar cutting. The more you larn about what's underneath your cutting beliefs, the better you will be able to understand and develop healthy ways to heal that pain.

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Things to Distract You

Similar all urges, the urge to cut volition laissez passer if you await it out. Distracting yourself with something else helps fourth dimension get past and gets your mind off the urge to cutting. The more you wait out the urge without giving in, the more your urges will decrease over time.

Hither are some things you can try while waiting for a cutting urge to pass:

  • call a friend and talk about something completely different
  • take a shower (make sure you don't accept razors in the shower)
  • go for a walk or run, accept a bike ride, dance similar crazy, or get another form of exercise
  • play with a pet
  • watch Tv set (modify the channel if the show gets upsetting or features cutting)
  • beverage a glass of water

Things to Soothe and Calm You

Sometimes people cutting because they're agitated or angry — even though they may not recognize that feeling. If that'south true for yous, it can assist to do something calming when y'all feel the need to cut.

Fifty-fifty if you're not certain why you're cutting, information technology's worth giving these ideas a try:

  • play with a pet
  • take a shower (brand sure yous don't have razors in the shower)
  • take a bath (make sure y'all don't accept razors near the tub)
  • listen to soothing music that will shift your mood
  • try a animate exercise
  • effort some relaxing yoga exercises
Page Three

Things to Assist Yous Express the Hurting and Deep Emotion

Some people cut because the emotions that they feel seem fashion likewise powerful and painful to handle. Frequently, information technology may be hard for them to recognize these emotions for what they are — like anger, sadness, or other feelings. Here are some alternatives to cut that you can attempt:

  • describe or scribble designs on paper using a cherry-red pen or pigment on white paper — if information technology helps, make the pigment drip
  • write out your injure, anger, or pain using a pen and paper
  • depict the hurting
  • compose songs or poetry to express what you're feeling
  • listen to music that talks about how you feel

Things to Assist Release Physical Tension and Distress

Sometimes, doing things that express anger or release tension tin can help a person gradually move away from cut. Endeavor these ideas:

  • go for a walk or run, ride a bike, dance similar crazy, or get some other course of exercise
  • rip up some paper
  • write out your hurt, anger, or pain using a pen and paper
  • scribble on newspaper using a crimson pen
  • squeeze, knead, or smoosh a stress ball, handful of clay, or Play-Doh

Things to Assist You Feel Supported and Continued

If you cut because y'all feel lonely, misunderstood, unloved, or asunder, these ideas may help:

  • call a friend
  • play with a pet
  • make a cup of tea, some warm milk, or cocoa
  • endeavour some yoga exercises that help you feel grounded, such as triangle pose
  • try a breathing do like the 1 in the button above
  • curl upwards on your bed in a soft, cozy coating

Substitutes for the Cutting Awareness

You'll notice that all the tips in the lists above take naught to do with the cutting sensation. When yous have the idea to cocky-injure, start by trying the ideas on those lists — such as making fine art, walking your dog, or going for run.

If they don't help, move on to the substitute behaviors shown below.

These substitute behaviors won't piece of work for everyone. They also don't assistance people make it touch with why they are cutting. What they do is provide firsthand relief in a way that doesn't involve cutting, and therefore holds less risk of impairment.

  • rub an ice cube on your skin instead of cut it
  • wear a safety band effectually your wrist and snap it gently against your skin
  • draw on the skin with a soft-tipped cherry pen in the identify yous might commonly cut

Y'all Can Practise It

Cutting can be a hard design to pause. But it is possible.

If you desire aid overcoming a cocky-injury habit and you're having problem finding anything that works for you, talk with a therapist. Getting professional person help to overcome the problem doesn't mean that someone is weak or crazy. Therapists and counselors are trained to help people notice inner strengths that help them heal. These inner strengths tin then be used to cope with life's problems in a healthy fashion.


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