Ni No Kuni 2 Where to Fight the Hydropolis Kingsmaker Again

Ni No Kuni 2 How to Replay Kingmaker Dominate Fights

The latest news in the world of video games at Assault of the Fanboy


On the manner to reuniting the world in Ni No Kuni 2, Evan's quest takes him effectually the earth to face downwardly Kingmaker trials against tough boss opponents.  The Kingmaker Battles can be accessed more once however, if you lot'd like to experience them again and again.

In the Kingdom of Evermore, Evan tin learn the ability to remember Kingmaker trials but he'll demand to larn the Retrial Spell in the Evermore Spellworks.  Doing the Inquiry of this Specific Spell will allow you to head dorsum to the Kingmaker temples to claiming whatever of the 4 different Kingmakers in the game.

The spell should be ane of the last ones you lot unlock.  The more times you face these Kingmaker trials, the harder the Kingmaker gets and you lot'll earn unique rewards for facing down these tough opponents each time.  Once yous've learned the Retrial Spell yous tin can return to the Cradle of Cosmos to fight Oakenhart, Cradle of Wisdom to fight Bastion, Cradle of  Burn down to fight Longfang, or the Abyss to fight Brineskimmer.

In one case you've bandage the spell at each shrine, you'll be able to come up back over again and once more to fight them at a tougher difficulty.  The commencement retry on each Kingmaker starts the boss at level 50, and then goes upwardly from there.

The Kingmaker Boss fights are some of the best looking fights in the game though, and if you lot want to feel them again you'll need to unlock the Retrial Spell in Evermore.

For more tips, hints, and guides for Ni No Kuni 2 check out our Royal Handbook.

- This commodity was updated on July 29th, 2021


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